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39 days before event
The 3rd Boso Festa Summer Camp...

Two consecutive days !.

Venue 内みのわ運動公園
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/8/11 - 2024/8/12
4 days before event
slow-cooker marché

Reward "me" for always working hard.

Venue 木更津金田地域交流センター
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/7/7
Already ended
Hideout Marche

We wanted to create a place where connections could be made, a marché that would be exciting and thr...

Venue 千種ヴィレッジ(市原市千種5-12-1)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/6/23
Already ended
6/21㈮ Tango Origins 2024 "The ...

Up-and-coming musicians, singers, and dancers from Argentina !
The highest peak...

Venue 君津市民文化ホール 大ホール
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/6/21 - 2024/6/21
Already ended
Boshu Uchiwa and Suruga Bamboo...

An exhibition of beautiful Boshu Uchiwa fans and cool Suruga bamboo crafts.

Venue 大谷家具ギャラリー工芸館
Address 千葉県 長生郡
Date 2024/6/19 - 2024/6/30
Already ended
[6/16] Bamboo Lighting Worksho...

Let's make bamboo lighting with your own hands by processing bamboos cut down during riverbank maint...

Venue 清和ウェルカムハウス
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/6/16
Already ended
Yama-chan's Children's Body Bu...

Are you worried about your child's poor posture and lack of exercise? ? Let's try Body Axis Gymnasti...

Venue 木更津市民総合福祉会館 1F市民ホール
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
Yamachan's Taijiku Baby Class

Experience Body Axis Therapy for children's development ? This is the first baby class held in Kisar...

Venue 木更津市民総合福祉会館 2F第二談話室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
HITONOWAFES in Sodegaura Seasi...

5/25, go to HITONOWAFES ! !
This event is the ultimate in fun ! ! URA ART FES is the theme this...

Venue 袖ケ浦海浜公園センターストリート
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2024/5/25 - 2024/5/25
Already ended
Solving the Mystery of Natuba ...

Kisarazu Natural Bar + will hold a mystery-solving event !
This time there will be two courses,...

Venue 鳥居崎海浜公園(千葉県木更津市富士見三丁目5番)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/5/19 - 2024/5/19
Already ended
The 1st Oragawa Flea Market

Free mats begin at Oragawa, a closed elementary school that has been revived as a complex !.

Venue 君津市清和地域拠点複合施設「おらがわ」(君津市西粟倉36番地)
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
Community Seiwa Festival 2024

Large parking lot, please come with your family.

Venue 清和地域拠点複合施設「おらがわ」
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
The 2nd Sieve Chiba Fest

Handmade works for sale ・ Kitchen car ・ Various stalls including drone experience ♪
This year, ...

Venue 古市場公園
Address 千葉県 千葉市
Date 2024/5/12
Already ended
Touch Drawings and Flowering L...

This is an exhibit for Ichihara City's hospitality exchange program.
Programming experience usi...

Venue 旧内田小学校(市原市島田20)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/3/30 - 2024/3/31
Already ended
Digital Woodworking Equipment ...

We welcome those already involved in woodworking as well as amateurs ( and freelance creators ) who ...

Venue おらがわ 工作室
Address 君津市
Date 2024/2/25 - 2024/2/25
Already ended
Canceled] [Mystery Solving Eve...

A mystery solving event will be held in Kisarazu Natural Bar !
This time there will be two cour...

Venue 旧木更津市役所跡地(木更津市潮見1-1)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/2/25 - 2024/2/25
Already ended
Free School bloom Fairy Wonder...

A new type of free school where children can play freely and adults can heal and learn. Parent-child...

Venue 金田地域交流センター 3階 和室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/2/18 - 2024/2/18
Already ended
Participants wanted for first ...

Flute Trial Participants Wanted !

First of all, let's just make some sounds.
You don'...

Venue 君津市民文化ホール リハーサル室
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/1/27 - 2024/1/27
Already ended
Senario House x POLA Accessory...

Why don't you take a break at the end of the year ??

Venue 千葉県市原市更級1-6-9 市原住宅公園 広島建設セナリオハウス モデルハウス
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2023/12/28 - 2023/12/28
Additional 2 photos
Already ended
Christmas Mini Marche

Christmas mini-marche at Satoyama Cafe FLIPFLAP in Uehara, Ichihara City. How about an adult Christm...

Venue 千葉県市原市上原171-1 里山カフェ FLIPFLAP
Address 千葉県 市原市上原171-1
Date 2023/12/17 - 2023/12/17