Search Keyword: 子ども |  121 results | Search time:  0 seconds 

74 days before event
9/14㈯ Parents de Opera "Hansel...

"Children as young as 0 years old can enjoy the show"

"Hansel and Gretel" presented by BLO...

Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/9/14 - 2024/9/14
54 days before event
The 35th Sogatei: Rakugo for t...

Anyone is welcome to attend the Yose for the first time, young and old !
Please feel free to vi...

Venue 千葉市中央区蘇我コミュニティセンター
Address 千葉県 千葉市中央区
Date 2024/8/25 - 2024/8/25
37 days before event
Let's find out ! ~ What happen...

Please apply via Google Form or by phone. Application deadline : July 26 ( Fri ).

Venue 袖ケ浦市社会福祉センター 大会議室
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2024/8/8
33 days before event
Children's Lupu's "Wakuwaku Co...

Family-friendly violin, saxophone and cello concert

Venue 袖ケ浦市民会館中ホール
Address 千葉県 袖ケ浦市
Date 2024/8/4
26 days before event
Store for your favorite items ...

A lineup of original crafts that are "practical" and look great as "interior decorations" ! Please e...

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2024/7/28 - 2024/7/28
26 days before event
Sport Climbing Experience ~ Ch...

Day trip to the climbing wall !.

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2024/7/28 - 2024/7/28
18 days before event
Everyone's Temple Cafe: Wire C...

Let's make anything with wire ! free research !

Venue 浄土真宗本願寺派西光寺
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/7/20
Already ended
Sport Climbing Experience ~ Ch...

Day trip to the climbing wall !.

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2024/6/30 - 2024/6/30
Already ended
< Gorsuch Conservatory Edition...

The concert will be hosted by the Gauche Conservatory.

Venue 長柄町都市農村交流センター「ワクワクながら」本館ホール
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2024/6/30 - 2024/6/30
Already ended
Everyone's Temple Cafe: Findin...

Why don't you search for something important with nurses who are involved in aging, illness, and dea...

Venue 浄土真宗本願寺派西光寺
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/6/15
Already ended
☆ Parent and Child Plaza Held ...

Let's play on the playground equipment ! Free childcare consultation is also available !.

Venue ITオフィスHANA 4階(402)
Address 千葉県 千葉市緑区
Date 2024/6/14 - 2024/6/22
Already ended
< Kimitsu Festival 2024 > Lots...

Like last year, there will be a samba dance by the Samba Carnival, a pantomime & balloon show, a qui...

Venue メイン会場 坂田駅前公園
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
Yama-chan's Children's Body Bu...

Are you worried about your child's poor posture and lack of exercise? ? Let's try Body Axis Gymnasti...

Venue 木更津市民総合福祉会館 1F市民ホール
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
Yamachan's Taijiku Baby Class

Experience Body Axis Therapy for children's development ? This is the first baby class held in Kisar...

Venue 木更津市民総合福祉会館 2F第二談話室
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/6/2 - 2024/6/2
Already ended
5/31㈮ "Stardust Town" movie sc...

Film adaptation of the popular stage series "Hoshikuzu no Machi" (Hoshikuzu no Machi), featur...

Venue 君津市民文化ホール 大ホール
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/31 - 2024/5/31
Already ended
English Eurhythmic Sunday Tria...

English Eurhythmic 0 years old ~ to enhance children's various potentials Recommended for 4 y...

Venue 木更津西口 駅ササイズ スタジオ
Address 木更津市
Date 2024/5/26 - 2024/5/26
Already ended
Solving the Mystery of Natuba ...

Kisarazu Natural Bar + will hold a mystery-solving event !
This time there will be two courses,...

Venue 鳥居崎海浜公園(千葉県木更津市富士見三丁目5番)
Address 千葉県 木更津市
Date 2024/5/19 - 2024/5/19
Already ended
Everyone's Temple Cafe Facial ...

Many benefits such as wrinkles, sagging, dementia prevention, etc. !.

Venue 浄土真宗本願寺派西光寺
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2024/5/18
Already ended
The 1st Oragawa Flea Market

Free mats begin at Oragawa, a closed elementary school that has been revived as a complex !.

Venue 君津市清和地域拠点複合施設「おらがわ」(君津市西粟倉36番地)
Address 千葉県 君津市
Date 2024/5/18 - 2024/5/18
Already ended
Sport Climbing Experience ~ Ch...

Day trip to the climbing wall !.

Venue 千葉市少年自然の家
Address 千葉県 長生郡長柄町
Date 2024/5/6 - 2024/5/6