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30 km
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


If you are wondering "I can't find what I want to do" or "What kind of job fits me?", let's look for a job together ? 15 years old ~ We provide consultation on problems people up to 49 years old have about working, as well as employment support such as how to write a resume until they settle in the workplace. If you have any problems in job hunting, please contact Saposte !.


Phone (0438) 23-3711
Address 292-0831 千葉県 木更津市 富士見1ー1ー1 たちより館2階
Hours Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30-16:30
Wednesday 9:30-16:30
Thursday 9:30-16:30
Friday 9:30-16:30
Saturday 9:30-16:30

  • Vivinavi - Town Guide

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