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  • Registrant : roseate
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]09031367369
  • Posted : 2022/02/27
  • Published : 2022/02/27
  • Changed :2022/02/28
  • Total View : 2302 persons
2022/3/22 - 2022/3/22 / 千葉県 木更津市 / Education / Children

Baby ~ 3 year old parent-child rhythmic March 22nd trial session

Music lessons for parents and children starting at age 0 !.

Eurhythmic Class starts in April !

Eurhythmic lessons focus on listening to music at all times, which improves concentration and reflexes

A sense of sound in a fun way ・ Children develop a sense of rhythm and can read music and become lifelong friends.

Before starting piano lessons or sports, we recommend Eurhythmic lessons during this period of rapid hearing development

To register for a trial session, please visit our website at piano ・ Rhythmic Class GRACE https :// Contact Us

Please also use the class line ( @vsm7412n)

Fee for trial session : 1,

Please contact us if you are unable to attend the trial session on the day and time you wish to experience the class.

Piano ・ Eurhythmic Class GRACE
Venue Kisarazu West Exit "Station Size" Studio ( 1 Central Kisarazu City - 4 - 6 )
Address 2920067 千葉県 木更津市 木更津市中央1-4-6
Date 2022/3/22 - 2022/3/22
Time 10:45 minute(s) - 11:25 minute(s)
Time detail
Getting here 木更津駅西口徒歩4分
Venue detail 1階が焼き肉屋さんのビルの2階(エレベーター利用できます)


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