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  • Registrant : 加茂公民館
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0436-98-0033
  • Posted : 2022/08/30
  • Published : 2022/08/30
  • Changed :2022/08/31
  • Total View : 1597 persons
2022/10/23 / 千葉県 市原市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Geological Age Tibanian Lecture Kamo Community Center

He will give a lecture titled "Geological Formations of the Boso Peninsula."

Professor Makoto Okada, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, will give a lecture titled "Geological Formations of the Boso Peninsula.
With the installation of the "Golden Spike" now complete, he will give an easy-to-understand explanation of the Cibanian, which is attracting more and more attention, and the geological formations of the Boso Peninsula.

■ Capacity 70 people

■ Target Adults

■ What to bring ・ Clothing etc. Slippers ・ Shoe bag ・ Writing materials ・ Drink ・ Mask

■ Reservations required

■ Registration period 2022/09/05 08:30 ~ 2022/09/30 17:00

■ Registration method Only by phone. 8:30 a.m. on September 5, 2022

■ Cost 100 yen per adult

Kamo Community Center
Venue Kamo Community Center
Address 290-0557 千葉県 市原市 養老949−1
Date 2022/10/23
Time 13:00 minute(s) - 15:00 minute(s)
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